A wife’s perspective on building a home


So, apparently it is my turn to do some work. It has been left to me to write a blog and share a bit about the ‘who’ of Richwood Constructions. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes in any small family business, but most interestingly it’s the conversations at the end of the day between Richard and I that pulls me into being a part of the building game. 

Sometimes it is as simple as the logistics of a job but what I love discussing most is the teasing out of what we can best do for our clients to make a build work. This most often comes about when Richard is working on a renovation. 

We could be working on your new bathroom. He draws the floor plan, the available space. Then we work on making everything fit. Want ‘his and hers’ hand basins? Fixed pane shower screen with a strip drain in the floor? Ensuite toilet, but behind a privacy screen? Ok. Can we sort that out all while creating a space that feels like your own personal day spa? No probs.  He has the building expertise; I like to think I have a wife’s practicality for functional spaces and a hairdresser’s flair for beautiful shape and style (I love talking colour too). 

So if you are looking to build or renovate in Tumby Bay or Port Lincoln, Cummins, Lock, Kappinnie, Coffins or anywhere on the Eyre Peninsula, you can guarantee we will be hashing out the best fit for you. And I look forward to writing a few more entries that might just give you a clever idea about making your dream home the perfect fit for you and your family.   

Cohere Creative